Nigeria is a country located on the western coast of Africa. The history of Nigeria can be traced to prehistoric settlers living in the area as early as 11000BC. Numerous ancient African civilizations settled in Nigeria. Examples of the civilizations that settled in Nigeria were the Benin Empire, Nri kingdom, Oyo Empire, Fulani Empire, Hausa Kingdoms, Ibibio Kingdom, etc. Historically, before Nigeria got her name, Nigeria was known by other names, such as Central Sudan, Niger Sudan, Hausa Territories and Royal Niger Company Territories. The name, "Nigeria", was given to us by Flora Shaw, the wife of former colonial master, Sir Frederick Lugard .The name was captured in her article in Times of London in 1897. On 1 January 1901, Nigeria became a British protectorate, part of the British Empire. In 1914, the area was formally united as the colony and protectorate of Nigeria. Administratively, Nigeria remained divided into Northern and Southern Provinces and Lagos Colony. On...